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- 110 dim cm$(22),cm(22),in$(5),in(5),ob$(13),ob(13),ds$(40),fl(10,10)
- 120 sys65517:cc=peek(781)
- 130 ifcc=40thenpoke53281,1
- 150 gosub 700:gosub1620
- 155 print"[147]"
- 160 gosub790:cm(2)=1:cm(5)=1:fori=14to19:cm(i)=1:next:ob(1)=1
- 170 pr$=ds$(1):gosub2570:ifgtthenpr$=ds$(2):gosub2570
- 180 ifgt=0thenpr$=ds$(3):gosub2570
- 190 gosub2310:ifpl=2orpl=5thengosub800:goto190
- 200 ifpl=16andgt=0thenpr$=ds$(3):gosub2570:goto190
- 210 ifpl=16then280
- 220 ifpl>16thengoto250
- 230 goto170
- 240 print"[147]":pr$=ds$(4):gosub2570
- 250 gosub790:fori=14to19:cm(i)=1:next:gosub2310:ifpl=16then280
- 260 ifpl=15thenpr$=ds$(4):gosub2570
- 270 goto250
- 280 gosub790:print"[147]":cm(1)=1:cm(3)=1:cm(6)=1:fori=14to19:cm(i)=1:next
- 290 cm(4)=1
- 300 pr$=ds$(5):gosub2570:ifmb=0thenpr$=ds$(6):gosub2570
- 310 ifmbthenpr$=ds$(7):cm(7)=1:gosub2570:ifnt=1thenpr$=ds$(11):gosub 2570
- 320 iffd=0thenpr$=ds$(8):nt=1:gosub2570
- 330 iffdthenpr$=ds$(9):nt=0:gosub2570
- 340 gosub2310:ifpl=15then300
- 350 if(pl=18)or(pl=19)thengoto300
- 360 ifpl=17thengoto160
- 370 if(pl=16)and(fd=0)then320
- 380 ifpl=16andfd=0then320
- 390 ifpl=16then450
- 400 ifpl=1thenpr$=ds$(10):gosub2570
- 410 if(pl=3)or(pl=6)thengosub900:goto340
- 415 ifpl=7andnt=0thenprint"i see no note here!":goto340
- 420 ifpl<>7then340
- 430 pr$="there is a question on the note.":gosub2570
- 435 gosub1320:ifwr=1thengoto160
- 440 pr$=ds$(12):gosub2570:pr$=ds$(13):gosub2570:fd=1:mb=0:goto340
- 450 gosub790:print"[147]";
- 470 pr$="a trap door opens beneath your feet and you begin sliding down a "
- 480 pr$=pr$+"chute. you pass a neon sign that says :":gosub2570:print
- 490 ifcc=40then505
- 500 print" 'math dungeon'":print:print" 'level "+str$(lv)+"'"
- 501 print:print:goto510
- 505 print" 'math dungeon'"
- 506 print:print" 'level "+str$(lv)+"'"
- 510 pr$="press any key to continue":gosub2570:print:print
- 520 geta$:ifa$=""then520
- 530 lt=1:px=int(rnd(1)*10)+1:py=int(rnd(1)*10)+1:fl(py,px)=2
- 540 gosub790:cm(9)=1:fori=12to19:cm(i)=1:next:cm(9)=lt:cm(22)=1
- 550 iffl(py,px)=2thenprint"[147]":pr$=ds$(14):gosub2570
- 560 iffl(py,px)=1thenprint"[147]":pr$=ds$(15):gosub2570
- 570 iflt=1thenpr$=ds$(16):gosub2570
- 580 gosub2310
- 590 ifpl=9thengosub950:goto580
- 600 ifpl=12thengosub970:goto580
- 610 ifpl=13thengosub1000:goto580
- 620 ifpl=15andlo=0then550
- 630 ifpl=15andlo=1thengosub1020:goto570
- 640 ifpl=14then580
- 650 ifpl=22thengosub2470:goto670
- 660 ifpl>15thengosub1560:if(lo=0)or(wa=1)then580
- 670 onzgosub1860,1860,2000
- 680 goto670
- 690 end
- 700 print"[147]":ifcc=40thenprinttab(10);:goto720
- 710 printtab(1);
- 720 print" math dungeon ":print"":ifcc=40thenprinttab(12);:goto740
- 730 printtab(3);
- 740 print"a math adventure"
- 750 print"":ifcc=40then755
- 751 print" enter desired level(1-5)";:goto760
- 755 print" enter desired level(1-5)";
- 760 inputlv:iflv<1orlv>5thengoto750
- 770 fori=1to22:readcm$(i):next:fori=1to5:readin$(i):next
- 780 fori=1to29:readds$(i):next:return
- 790 fori=1to22:cm(i)=0:nexti:ifin(5)=1thencm(20)=1:return
- 800 ifpl=2andgt=1thenpr$="the gate is already open.":gosub2570
- 810 ifpl=2andgt=0thengt=1:print"ok."
- 820 ifpl=5andgt=0thenpr$="the gate is already closed.":gosub2570
- 830 ifpl=5andgt=1thengt=0:print"ok."
- 840 return
- 850 ifpl=1andfd=1thenpr$="the door is already open.":gosub2570
- 860 ifpl=1andfd=0thenfd=1:print"ok."
- 870 ifpl=4andfd=0thenpr$="the door is already closed.":gosub2570
- 880 ifpl=4andfd=1thenfd=0:print"ok."
- 890 return
- 900 ifpl=3andmb=1thenpr$="the milkbox is already open.":gosub2570
- 910 ifpl=3andmb=0thenmb=1:print"ok.":cm(7)=1
- 920 ifpl=6andmb=0thenpr$="the milkbox is already closed.":gosub2570
- 930 ifpl=6andmb=1thenmb=0:print"ok.":cm(7)=0
- 940 return
- 950 ifin(1)=1thenpr$="you already have the light.":gosub2570:return
- 960 iflt=1thenlt=0:in(1)=1:print"ok.":cm(9)=0:return
- 970 ifin(1)=0thenpr$="you do not have a light.":gosub2570:return
- 980 iflo=0thenprint"ok.":lo=1:return
- 990 iflo=1thenpr$="the light is already on.":gosub2570:return
- 1000 iflo=0thenpr$="the light is already off.":gosub2570:return
- 1010 iflo=1thenprint"ok.":lo=0:return
- 1020 print"[147]"ds$(16-fl(py,px))
- 1030 ec=px+1:dn$="east":ifec=11thengoto1050
- 1040 iffl(py,ec)<>0thengosub1120
- 1050 wc=px-1:dn$="west":ifwc=0thengoto1070
- 1060 iffl(py,wc)<>0thengosub1120
- 1070 nc=py-1:dn$="north":ifnc=0thengoto1090
- 1080 iffl(nc,px)<>0thengosub1120
- 1090 sc=py+1:dn$="south":ifsc=11thengoto1110
- 1100 iffl(sc,px)<>0thengosub1120
- 1110 return
- 1120 printdn$" is a doorway.":return
- 1130 ifgk=0andbk=0andrk=0thenprint"what key?":return
- 1140 print"ok."
- 1150 ifgkthengk=0:in(2)=1:return
- 1160 ifbkthenbk=0:in(3)=1:return
- 1170 ifrkthenrk=0:in(4)=1:bd=2:return
- 1180 return
- 1190 ifgd<>1then1220
- 1200 ifin(2)=0thenpr$=ds$(10):gosub2570:return
- 1210 ifin(2)=1thenpr$=ds$(27):gosub2570:ma=1:cm(11)=1:cm(1)=0:return
- 1220 ifbd<>1then1250
- 1230 ifin(3)=0thenpr$=ds$(10):gosub2570:return
- 1240 ifin(3)=1thenpr$=ds$(28):gosub2570:cm(8)=1:rk=1:cm(1)=0:return
- 1250 ifrd<>1then1280
- 1260 ifin(4)=0thenpr$=ds$(10):gosub2570:return
- 1270 ifin(4)=1thenprint"[147]":pr$=ds$(29):gosub2570:gosub2520
- 1280 return
- 1290 g=int(rnd(1)*lv*10)+1:pr$="you have found "+str$(g)+" gold pieces."
- 1300 gosub2570:gp=gp+g:pr$="you now have "+str$(gp)+" gold pieces.":gosub2570
- 1310 cm(10)=0:return
- 1320 op=int(rnd(1)*4)+1
- 1340 if(lv<=2)and(op>=3)then1320
- 1350 print"what is...";
- 1360 onopgoto1370,1400,1430,1460
- 1370 x=int(rnd(1)*lv*10):y=int(rnd(1)*lv*10)
- 1380 iflv>4thenx=x-int(rnd(1)*lv*5):y=y-int(rnd(1)*lv*5)
- 1390 z1=x+y:printx" + "y"?":inputz$:gosub1510:ifwr=2then1390
- 1395 return
- 1400 x=int(rnd(1)*lv*10):y=int(rnd(1)*lv*10)
- 1410 iflv<=3thenify>xthent=x:x=y:y=t
- 1420 z1=x-y:printx" - "y"?":inputz$:gosub1510:ifwr=2then1420
- 1425 return
- 1430 x=int(rnd(1)*lv*5):y=int(rnd(1)*lv*5)
- 1440 iflv>=4thenx=x-int(rnd(1)*lv*2):y=y-int(rnd(1)*lv*2)
- 1450 z1=x*y:printx" * "y"?":inputz$:gosub1510:ifwr=2then1450
- 1455 return
- 1460 x=int(rnd(1)*lv*5):y=int(rnd(1)*lv*5)
- 1470 iflv>=4thenx=x-int(rnd(1)*lv*3):y=y-int(rnd(1)*lv*3)
- 1480 ify=0theny=1
- 1490 z1=x/y:ifz1<>int(z1)then1460
- 1500 printx" / "y"?":inputz$
- 1505 gosub1510:ifwr=2then1490
- 1506 return
- 1510 ifval(z$)<>0thenz2=val(z$):goto1540
- 1520 ifz$<>"0"thenpr$="answer the question first!":gosub2570:wr=2:return
- 1530 z2=val(z$)
- 1540 ifz1=z2thenprint"[147]correct!!":wr=0:return
- 1550 print"[147]incorrect!!":wr=1:return
- 1560 wa=0:iflo=0thenpr$="i'd turn on my light first.":gosub2570:goto1610
- 1570 c=abs(pl=18)-abs(pl=19):d=abs(pl=17)-abs(pl=16):tx=px+c:ty=py+d
- 1580 iftx=11ortx=0orty=11orty=0thenprint"there is a wall there.":wa=1:goto1610
- 1590 iffl(ty,tx)=0thenprint"there is a wall there.":wa=1:goto1610
- 1600 px=tx:py=ty
- 1610 z=fl(py,px):return
- 1620 fori=1to10:forj=1to10:fl(i,j)=0:nextj:nexti
- 1625 nm=int(rnd(1)*10)+lv:i=1
- 1630 x=int(rnd(1)*10)+1:y=int(rnd(1)*10)+1:iffl(y,x)=3then1630
- 1640 fl(y,x)=3:i=i+1:ifi<=nmthen1630
- 1650 fori=1tonm*2
- 1660 x=int(rnd(1)*10)+1:y=int(rnd(1)*10)+1
- 1670 iffl(y,x)=3then1660
- 1680 fl(y,x)=0:nexti
- 1690 fori=1to10:forj=1to10
- 1700 iffl(i,j)=3thengosub1780
- 1710 nextj:nexti
- 1720 gosub1840:gx=x:gy=y:if(bx=xandby=y)or(rx=xandry=y)orfl(y,x)=0then1720
- 1730 gosub1840:bx=x:by=y:if(gx=xandgy=y)or(rx=xandry=y)orfl(y,x)=0then1730
- 1740 gosub1840:x1=x:y1=y:if(x2=xandy2=y)or(x3=xandy3=y)orfl(y,x)=0then1740
- 1750 gosub1840:x2=x:y2=y:if(x1=xandy1=y)or(x3=xandy3=y)orfl(y,x)=0then1750
- 1760 gosub1840:x3=x:y3=y:if(x1=xandy1=y)or(x2=xandy2=y)orfl(y,x)=0then1760
- 1770 return
- 1780 fork=jto10:gosub1800:nextk:fork=jto1step-1:gosub1800:nextk
- 1790 fork=ito10:gosub1820:nextk:fork=ito1step-1:gosub1820:nextk:return
- 1800 iffl(i,k)=0thenfl(i,k)=int(rnd(1)*2)+1
- 1810 return
- 1820 iffl(k,j)=0thenfl(k,j)=int(rnd(1)*2)+1
- 1830 return
- 1840 x=int(rnd(1)*10)+1:y=int(rnd(1)*10)+1:iffl(y,x)=0then1840
- 1850 return
- 1860 gosub790:fori=12to19:cm(i)=1:next:cm(22)=1
- 1870 print"[147]":pr$=ds$(16-z):gosub2570:iflo=1thengosub1030
- 1880 gosub2270:gosub2200
- 1890 gosub2310:ifpl=15andlothengosub1020:goto1880
- 1900 ifpl=20thengosub2850:goto1890
- 1910 ifpl=15andlo=0then1870
- 1920 ifpl=1thengosub1190:goto1890
- 1930 ifpl=14then1890
- 1940 ifpl=11thengosub2490:goto1890
- 1950 ifpl=8thengosub1130:goto1890
- 1960 ifpl=22thengosub2470:return
- 1970 ifpl>15thengosub1560:if(lo=0)or(wa=1)then1890
- 1980 return
- 2000 gosub790:fori=10to19:cm(i)=1:nexti:cm(22)=1
- 2010 pr$=ds$(23):gosub2570:pr$=ds$(24):gosub2570:gosub1320:ifwr=0thengoto2050
- 2020 gp=0:pr$=ds$(25):gosub2570:forw=1to2000:nextw
- 2030 x=int(rnd(1)*10+1):y=int(rnd(1)*10)+1:iffl(y,x)=0then2030
- 2040 px=x:py=y:z=fl(py,px):return
- 2050 pr$=ds$(26):gosub2570:fl(py,px)=2
- 2060 pr$=ds$(14):gosub2570:iflothengosub1030
- 2070 gosub2270:gosub2200
- 2080 gosub2310
- 2090 ifpl=20thengosub2850:goto2080
- 2100 ifpl=15andlothengosub1020:goto2070
- 2110 ifpl=15andlo=0then2060
- 2120 ifpl=14then2080
- 2130 ifpl=11then2490:goto2080
- 2140 ifpl=8thengosub1130:goto2080
- 2150 ifpl=1thengosub1190:goto2080
- 2160 ifpl=10thengosub1290:goto2080
- 2170 ifpl=22thengosub2470:return
- 2180 ifpl>15thengosub1560:if(lo=0)or(wa=1)then2080
- 2190 return
- 2200 if(x1=pxandy1=py)andgd<>2thenpr$=ds$(17):gosub2570:gd=1:cm(1)=1
- 2210 if(x2=pxandy2=py)andbd<>2thenpr$=ds$(19):gosub2570:bd=1:cm(1)=1
- 2220 if(x3=pxandy3=py)andrd<>2thenpr$=ds$(18):gosub2570:rd=1:cm(1)=1
- 2230 if(x1<>pxory1<>py)andgd<>2thengd=0
- 2240 if(x2<>pxory2<>py)andbd<>2thenbd=0
- 2250 if(x3<>pxory3<>py)andrd<>2thenrd=0
- 2260 return
- 2270 ifbx=pxandby=pyandin(3)=0thenpr$=ds$(21):gosub2570:bk=1:cm(8)=1
- 2280 ifgx=pxandgy=pyandin(2)=0thenpr$=ds$(20):gosub2570:gk=1:cm(8)=1
- 2290 ifrx=pxandry=pyandin(4)=0thenpr$=ds$(22):gosub2570:rk=1:cm(8)=1
- 2300 return
- 2310 inputc$:pl=0:fori=1to22:ifcm$(i)=c$thenpl=i:i=23
- 2320 next
- 2330 ifpl=0thenprint"you can't do that!":goto2310
- 2340 n$="":i=1
- 2350 t$=mid$(c$,i,1)
- 2360 ifasc(t$)=32thenl=i:goto2390
- 2370 ifi=len(c$)thengoto2410
- 2380 i=i+1:goto2350
- 2390 n$=mid$(c$,l+1,len(c$))
- 2400 ifcm(pl)=0thenprint"i see no "n$" here!":goto2310
- 2410 ifc$="inv"thengoto2430
- 2420 return
- 2430 print"you are carrying :"
- 2440 fori=1to5:ifin(i)=1thenprint"a "in$(i)
- 2450 nexti:ifgp<>0thenprintgp" gold pieces."
- 2460 return
- 2470 px=int(rnd(1)*10)+1:py=int(rnd(1)*10)+1:iffl(py,px)=0then2470
- 2480 z=fl(py,px):return
- 2490 ifin(5)=1thenpr$="you already have the map!":gosub2570:return
- 2500 ifma=0thenprint"what map?":return
- 2510 print"ok.":in(5)=1:ma=0:cm(20)=1:gd=2:return
- 2520 pr$="you have found your way out of the math dungeon.":gosub2570
- 2530 pr$=" you have won "+str$(gp)+" gold pieces in your journey.":gosub2570
- 2540 print" play again";:input a$
- 2550 ifa$="y"thenrun
- 2560 end
- 2570 iflen(pr$)<=ccthenprintpr$:return
- 2580 t$=mid$(pr$,cc,1):ifasc(t$)=32theni=cc:goto2620
- 2590 i=cc-1
- 2600 t$=mid$(pr$,i,1):ifasc(t$)=32thengoto2620
- 2610 i=i-1:goto2600
- 2620 a$=mid$(pr$,i+1,len(pr$)):b$=mid$(pr$,1,i-1):printb$
- 2630 iflen(a$)<=ccthenprinta$:return
- 2640 pr$=a$:goto2570
- 2650 dataopen door,open gate,open milkbox,close door,close gate,close milkbox
- 2660 dataget note,get key,get light,get gold,get map,light on,light off,inv
- 2670 datalook,n,s,e,w,map,map,algebra,light,green key,blue key,red key,map
- 2680 datayou are facing north. a gate is in front of you.,the gate is open.
- 2690 datathe gate is closed.,you are in a dense forest.
- 2700 datayou are in front of an old house. there is a milkbox by the door.
- 2710 datathe milkbox is closed.,the milkbox is open.,the door is closed.
- 2720 datathe door is open.,the door is locked. you do not have the right key.
- 2730 datathere is a note in the milkbox.,the door flies open with a bang!
- 2740 datathe note disappears and the milkbox closes.
- 2750 datayou are in a cold and damp room.,you are in a long and narrow hallway.
- 2760 datathere is an unlit light here.,there is a green door here.
- 2770 datathere is a red door here.,there is a blue door here.
- 2780 datathere is a green key here.,there is a blue key here.
- 2790 datathere is a red key here.,before you can get a good look at the area..
- 2800 dataa monster jumps out and says 'you must answer this question!
- 2810 data'now i'll take all your gold and transport you away!
- 2820 datathe monster disappears. you see some gold here!
- 2830 datathere is a map here!,there is a red key here!
- 2840 datathere is a sudden flash and you find yourself amidst some trees.
- 2850 ifin(5)=0thenprint"you don't have a map!":return
- 2860 print"[147]":print
- 2870 fori=1to10:tb=1:forj=1to10
- 2880 ifi=pyandj=pxthenprinttab(tb)"*";:goto2930
- 2890 iffl(i,j)=3thenprinttab(tb)"[144]m";:goto2930
- 2900 iffl(i,j)=2thenprinttab(tb)"r";:goto2930
- 2910 iffl(i,j)=1thenprinttab(tb)"[156]h";:goto2930
- 2920 printtab(tb)"[158] [146]";
- 2930 tb=tb+2:nextj:print:print:nexti
- 2940 print"":return